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Re: adsl/pppoe

On Sun, 2 Dec 2001 10:27:30 -0800
"macho america" <mitb@totaldeath.com> wrote:

> is it possible for adsl users to set up a pppoe connection under the hurd? 
> from what i can gather the pppoe package has not been ported, which is strange
> since the pppoeconf package (which depends on pppoe) has.  if this is not so,
> please let me know where i can get ahold of pppoe for the hurd.  if it hasn't
> yet been ported, please let me know who i can contact about helping with the
> porting process.  thanks.
maybe pppoeconf was not "ported" but is arch=all, so it is available to
all archs, despite of someone taking care of porting it...

I don't think pppoe is a reality today as ppp is still alpha stage, but
I may be wrong, I don't know adsl very much...


    Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov <http://www.metainfo.org/kov>
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