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Network install?

Hi all

I've been doing nothing with the HURD of late as there is a windows
parition in the way.  However, my cdr drive has decided to go belly up,
which means I've got a free machine, which means I can install the HURD.
However, there is a problem: The box has no cd drive, only a floppy
drive and network card for I/O.  Is there any way to get the HURD on
there aside from taking the hard disk out and putting it in another

Many thanks,

Bob Ham

Bob Ham:  bob@ham.org  http://pkl.net/~node/
IRC: 'node' on irc.openprojects.net: #slashdot  ICQ: 4396425 'node'

"The GNU philosophy is about freedom. To be free one must have
personal power. Personal power is an individual thing, difficult to
obtain and quick to perish." --Krisno Pryosusilo

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