Too much RAM issue
Just took to installing the latest HURD off the net. On reboot, I was
greeted with the alloc_contig_mem error mentioned on this list before.
(My box has 768MB) So then I got the latest gnumach source and built
my own off my linux partition but still recieved the error. Took a
look at the source and observed the following in linux/dev/init/main.c:
* Allocate contiguous memory below 16 MB.
memory_start = (unsigned long) alloc_contig_mem (CONTIG_ALLOC,
16 * 1024 * 1024,
0, &pages);
if (memory_start == 0)
panic ("linux_init: alloc_contig_mem failed");
memory_end = memory_start + CONTIG_ALLOC;
Seems if you raise the minimum 16 (64 worked for me) the problem goes
away and gnumach boots, tho I've no idea how or why (why limit in the
first place?). Perhaps someone could explain??? Is this even a
reasonable solution?
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