Re: Porting Bind
--- Dios Del Tiempo <> wrote:
> --- James Morrison <> a écrit :
> > Well, _SC_HOST_NAME_MAX isn't always defined. So that isn't a
> good
> > direct way to do things. However, xgethostname uses sysconf
> > if it can, but also deals with the problem if the name is too
> > long.
> Yes, I noticed that the last time I tried to fix it; I'll try
> xgethostname.
> > btw: nessus is a patch that hasn't been accepted. I should go
> back
> > and fix it properly, but I need to put my hurd box back up.
> Ah, I did't know that. What was wrong in nessus' patch?
> By the way, today I built sucessfully bind package with a very
> tricky patch
> (putting MAXHOSTNAMELENGT as 255 and MAXPATHLENGT as 200); I
> installed too with
> a harmful warning and named runs with a few errors. Anyway, I hope
> I'll work,
> only I need is to make a small domain and maybe to install
> nslookup. Is
> nslookup ported to GNU/Hurd?
There is a utility called host which is in the debian archive
which works.
James Morrison
University of Waterloo
Computer Science - Digital Hardware
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