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Re: CD policy needed.

[CCing popcon's maintainer]

Avery, we're deliberating what should go on the first CD of the
next Debian GNU/Hurd set. The differences (due to some packages not
being compiled yet, and others being quite linux-specific) to
linux-i386 will be greater than for, say, linux-sparc.

Philip Charles <philipc@copyleft.co.nz> writes:

> I had thought of using the GNU/Linux Popularity contest.  Is the user-base
> of the Hurd large enough to be of use to us?

More importantly: is the number of GNU/Hurd users willing to install
popcon high enough? Obviously, the popcon numbers could give us these
as well.

Unfortunately, popcon has currently no notion of architecture, at
least the public statistics don't differentiate by it. The only thing
I can see is that (if it's working correctly) no Hurd user has it
installed, currently -- the hurd package has no votes. But so have
silo, and milo ...

The two alternatives I see:

* Use a hacked popcon that submits to another address, i.e. generate
independent stats for hurd-i386. Effort: minimal

* Make stock popcon take architecture into account. I imagine that
this could benefit others as well, but not as much as hurd-i386,
probably. Effort: depends on whether only the statistics generator had
to be modified (because arch is already gathered), or the protocol as


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