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Re: Those CDs again

On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 10:21:44AM +0000, Philip Charles wrote:
> One problem.  How does one unlock the cdrom-drive?

Hey, yes. That's sort of a bug. There were two bugs, but now there is only
one. First, gnumach and storeio both kept the CD ROM busy. Now, we got a
patch to fix that in gnumach (oskit-mach is fine), and it works, so the
kernel is not keeping the drive busy anymore. But storeio is.

When you have finished using the CD drive, and did umount or settrans /cdrom
to remove the translator on the node, you will still have the storeio
translator on the device file running. Check with ps aux for the process
storeio /dev/XXX where XXX is the CD drive.

Kill that process, and the CD is freed.

That's a bug in storeio, and it's described in

I will have a look at it. Last time, it wasn't very clear to me what
needs to be changed in storeio, maybe I'll do better now. It's obvious that
this needs fixing, now that we have two CDs.

> dselect seems to be much happier afer running apt-get upgrade & apt-get
> dist-upgrade.

That's good to hear.


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