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Re: Device drivers implemented as translators?

...some more thoughts on device drivers in Hurd...

What about implementing a hierarchy under /dev (similar to the devfs
in Linux)?

For example, if we had a device driver translator for IDE disks, we
could settrans it to a directory (for example /dev/ide-disk) and would
have the whole disk and each partition accessible as a device file in
this directory.

If we would use such a hierarchy, then a device driver translator
could provide more device files, not only one.

Drivers, which need kernel mode privileges could ask a wrapper, which
runs in kernel space, to help them, or am I wrong?

/* Moritz Schulte <moritz@hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de>
 * http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

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