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Problems installing Hurd on i386


I tried installing the Hurd using the tarball this time and it still
didnt boot.  I used the tarball at


As mentioned in the easy guide I formatted /dev/hda12 under Debian 2.2
like so

  # mke2fs -O sparse_super -o hurd /dev/hda12

I then untarred the tarball like so 

  # cd /;mkdir gnu; mount /dev/hda12 /gnu
  # tar --same-owner -zxvpf /path/to/tarball/gnu-20000301.tar.gz

I have grub installed and it works fine.  So I did 

  grub> root=(hd0,11)
  grub> kernel=/boot/gnumach.gz root=hd0s12 -s
  grub> module=/boot/serverboot.gz
  grub> boot

I got no error messages from grub and it was able to see the
partition, the gnumach.gz and serverboot.gz files etc.

It started to boot but stopped like before after detecting scsi hosts.
Here are the last few messages I noted down.

ppa:    PS/2 bidirectional port present
ppa:	Failed intel bug check (Phony EPP in ECP)
ppa: Probing 0278
scsi : 0 hosts.
scsi : detected total.

At this point it freezes, I cant do a three finger salute even.  I had 
to do a cold reset.

I looked at my BIOS and there are no SCSI specific settings.  I have
only IDE devices.  I have one hard disk and a couple of CD drives -
all of which detected fine.

Here is the relevant partition information.

  $ mount
  /dev/hda1 on / type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro,errors=remount-ro)
  /dev/hda3 on /usr type reiserfs (rw,noatime)
  /dev/hda5 on /usr/local type reiserfs (rw,noatime)
  /dev/hda6 on /home type reiserfs (rw,noatime)
  /dev/hda7 on /var type reiserfs (rw)
  /dev/hda8 on /tmp type reiserfs (rw,noatime)
  /dev/hda9 on /usr/local/software type reiserfs (rw,noatime)
  /dev/hda10 on /skratch type reiserfs (rw,noatime)
  /dev/hda11 on /usr/local/mp3 type reiserfs (rw,noatime)
  /dev/hda12 on /gnu type ext2 (rw,noatime)
  $ df -h /gnu
  Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  /dev/hda12            988M   36M  902M   4% /gnu

As you are aware earlier I had downloaded the debs and used
cross-install.  I had exactly the same problem.

Could someone tell me what is wrong?  

Are there any options I can pass so that I get more detailed error

Where is the error, in gnumach.gz or serverboot.gz?

I dont mind trying out a {gnumach,serverboot}.gz that spews out
debugging messages.  If this exists please give me a url.

Thanks and sorry for the long message.


p.s. Please dont laugh at the number of partitions I have. :)

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