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Re: Some initial problems to solve...

On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 04:19:24AM +0000, Frederico S. Muñoz wrote:
> Ok, I am using my Hurd system for regular tasks, I can read net news
> but no mail (prolly have to tweak with exim, I never did get it to
> work even on GNU/Linux since it insists on checking every damn host
> for a domain name and since I have private IP and domain names && my
> ISP doesn't has reverse DNS I can only have one IP), but here are some
> initial things that I want to fix:

Note:  Check the configuration settings for exim -- you can turn
this behavior off.

> - I *really* need portuguese keyboard support; I'm geting tired of
>   writing !"#$$%&%/=) to find a |. When I go back to work I also make
>   mistakes since I try to 'compensate' as I do in the Hurd, so this
>   way lies madness indeed. Is there support? If not how can I add it?
>   Prolly will need info on gnumach term specs and also some examples -
>   like if it is possible to translate a linux keymap into a hurd one.

Marcus can probably help here.  I know he (or Kalle?) were able
to get German keyboard support.  So Portuguese shouldn't be too
much harder.

> - The network settrans -fg ..... works ok, but doesn't stay up across
>   reboots... since it's not defined as active shouldn't he stay?
> - I can't mount the linux partition (settrans -fg /linux /hurd/ext2fs
>   /dev/hd0s2), it computes ok but when I try to access it it either
>   freezes or says something akeen to the >1GB error (more info on that
>   one tomorrow, I really don't recall the exact error)

Sorry -- can't help without more info.

> - fetchmail gives me a SMTP (can't connect to localhost Query=10)
>   error after he founds there is mail in the remote server, when it
>   tries to dl it; it's not hurd specific I reckon, since IIRC I had
>   the same problem before in Linux; again, prolly exim.

Check your settings.  Fetchmail probably can't pass off to your
MTA because it's not setup.

> - Several Debian packages are broken, i.e. they depend on packages not
>   available... where can I get them? For instace, lynx doesn't install
>   with dselect because, er, something doesn't exist (gain, more
>   detaisl tomorrow, it's 4:15AM here, I'm really trying to still get 4
>   hours sleep).
Yikes!  Don't burn out!

> - After I do a 'login root', after the password it says 'mesg: command
>   not found'; Yes, I know, I have to install mesg... but I can't within
>   dselect... I will really have to check my dpkg ftp source lines.
This will be fixed when all packages are installed.  Did you 
install from the tarball?


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