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Contributing to the Hurd

Hello everyone. I am a senior computer engineering student at MSOE
(http://www.msoe.edu) and next fall I am going to take an independent study
(CS499) in order to satisfy a remaining course elective. The focus of this
study is going to be more advanced OS topics, mainly microkernel architectures.
One requirement of an independent study is that you develop a project that
demonstrates "mastery of the intended subject".  I would like to do some
develoment for the Hurd. So what I would like to know is what needs to be done.
Now I know there is a task list on one of the debian web sites, but I figured
it would be foolish to start hacking away at something without consulting you

The main reason I would like to know what needs to be done
is that I want to get the paper work in for this class filled out and on the
independent study form I have to write some shpeil about what this study is
about and what I am going to accomplish, etc.  So any information about what
needs to be done would be much appreciated. I can then pick something to do. :)

Thanks much,

Daniel E. Baumann Phone: (414) 251-7856  
E-mail: baumannd@msoe.edu (preferred) 
           baumannd@penguinpowered.com (caution: dynamic DNS, may bounce)

Web location: 	http://www.msoe.edu/~baumannd

When a man lies he murders some part of the world. These are the pale
deaths which men miscall their lives. All this I cannot bear to witness
any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home...
	- Cliff Burton 

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