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Re: libps

Roland McGrath <roland@frob.com> writes:

> No, there isn't one.  The proc server only returns you the owner uid (which
> is usually the same as the first effective uid).  I suppose it could have a
> call to return full id sets for each process.  Can you get this information
> from ps is Unix?

Sometimes you can, but it's not really information the proc server
has.  At best, the proc server can tell you the authentication on the
process request port associated with the process, but that's not
necessarily the same thing.  A process ain't really got "one" set of
uids, even, that's just our convention....

The best definition of the convention in the libc's notion of the
"current" auth port, and what ids *it* stands for, but that's info you
need to get from libc, not proc.

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