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new packages


good news: dpkg for the Hurd were installed today, as well as glibc
2.1.1, so you don't need to fetch them from alpha.gnu.org anymore.

I am currently uploading slang1_1.2.2-2.1 and ae-962_23.1, which work.

Also the following packages are uploaded now:

* fileutils 4.0-1.2: Now we are in sync with the normal Debian package. This
  also contains sync, because the Hurd sync was renamed to syncfs.

* make 3.77-6: Just an update to the latest version with latest glibc. It
  wasn't even necessary, but I like some easy packages between difficult ones :)

* mtools 3.9.1-2: Those can be used to access DOS file systems. I am not
  sure if and how good they work, test reports are welcome.

* svgalib-dummyg1 1.2.13-2: This is a DUMMY package. It can be used to
  compile and install svgalib (capable) programs without real svgalib, which
  is not ported to the Hurd (yet?). This will not be too useful for pure
  svgalib programs, but some programs have several modes, console, svgalib
  and/or X, and for those programs we need this dummy package.

Oh, btw: tsort from bsdmainutils is broken. If you urgently need one, you
can get one from util-linux package, which can be simply compiled
(misc-files/tsort.c). It doesn't work too well, either. Mmmh.


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Marcus Brinkmann              GNU    http://www.gnu.org     master.debian.org
Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de                        for public  PGP Key
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