Hurd on UFS
Hi, a coupla weeks ago I tried reinstalling the Hurd (from the packages)
because earlier I had experienced problems with filesystem corruption and didn't have
much time to play around with that. This time what I attempted is installing it
on a UFS partition (granted all the problems with ext2fs). The partition was
created using a FreeBSD fixme disk and the installation was done with the latest
cross-install from linux. Everything so far went fine, except when I tried to boot
the Hurd for the first time. GNUmach booted smothly and the partition was
mounted (the ufs.static server ran without errors) but the system completely hung (no
error messages) right after the startup of the exec server.
This leads me to the question: is UFS a currently a viable alternative to
ext2fs under the Hurd? Also, judging from what has been said on this list lately
ext2fs is in better shape then before, should I try again with an ext2fs partition?
And in the extreme case that neither one works what is the best way to avoid
filesystem corruption? (I remember someone tried to do all the disk intensive
operations on an NFS mounted partition.)
Thanks in advance.
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