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Installation & boot problems

I just tried installing on my Redhat 5.2 system, and I am 
having troubles...

While trying to use the cross-install script, I got the
following error:
	dpkg-hurd: [ too many arguments
or something similar - this was previously mentioned on the
mailing list a week or two ago.  I have dpkg installed and it
appears to work fine.

So, I went to use the tarball - gnu-19990505.tar.gz, which
installed fine on my new Hurd partition.  I did use 
mke2fs -o hurd /dev/hda3 to make the partition.

When booting, I got the following error:
	Partition check:
		hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 < hda5 hda6 >
		hdd: PTBL [621/64/63] hdd1
	hda4: bad access: block=28, count=2
	end_request: I/O error, dev 03:04, sector 28
	(serverboot): Running without any paging
	/hurd/ext2fs.static: cannot vm_map whole disk: (os/kern)
		no space available

The computer is an AMD K6 200 MHz with 128 meg of RAM.  The
first disk (hda) is 6.8 gig, with the following partition
	hda1: ext2fs, my main linux / partition, about 100 meg
	hda2: fat32, win95 boot partition, about 200 meg
	hda3: ext2fs, now the hurd, about 2.5 gig (has in the
		past contained Solaris and FreeBSD with no prob.)
	hda4: extended
	hda5: 128 meg swap
	hda6: ext2fs, the rest of my redhat installation filling
	      the rest of the disk
	hdc:  CD-ROM
	hdd1: 1.2 gig, all windoze.

All of the other hardware was detected successfully.
I tried playing with the swap settings in /boot/servers.boot,
but with no success.  Any ideas?  I'm looking forward to getting
this working!

Thank you,

Brian Gregor

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