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Re: Hurd performance [was: PPP]

On Sat, Jul 11, 1998 at 12:53:33PM +0200, Mark Kettenis wrote:
> While I'm tlking about it, I don't know if it was noticed, but I've
> got the glibc development snapshots compiling, and fixed the dynamic
> linker.  I haven't done any extensive testing yet, but everything
> seems to be running OK.  However, it's likely that there are still
> some serious bugs remaining.

hello Mark,

this sounds great, could you make your work available? I don't care about
the bugs, it only can be an improvement, and I am willing to be a test

A patch against an official source tree would be great, but more important
for me would the binaries. I can't afford to compile libc6 while my hurd
source tree is not cleaned (and I can't do it because I debug and hack it at
the moment :)

Thank you,

PS: What version did you use?

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