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FAQ Evolution

After a little discussion with Gordon, the FAQ for Debian GNU/Hurd has
been split into two documents: the Debian GNU/Hurd FAQ and the GNU Hurd
FAQ.  Both of these may currently be found under

The Debian GNU/Hurd FAQ should be considered a supplement to the Debian
GNU/Linux FAQ.  It contains information specific to the Debian GNU/Hurd

The GNU Hurd FAQ contains Q&A about the Hurd itself.  I have combined
the questions from the Hurd FAQs currently on gnu.org into this document
so that there is now a single place to look for Q&A on the Hurd.  I'll
be monitoring all of the mailing lists on the hunt for new FAQs.  I'd
like to invite all of the folks on the *-hurd lists to point out
frequent Q&A about the Hurd to me so I can add them to the FAQ.

Questions, corrections, etc. are welcome...

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