Bug#886136: ndpi: FTBFS on hppa: test suite discrepancies
Source: ndpi
Version: 2.2-1
Severity: important
Tags: upstream
Justification: fails to build from source (but built successfully in the past)
User: debian-hppa@lists.debian.org
Usertags: hppa
The latest build of ndpi for hppa (admittedly not a release
architecture) failed with multiple test suite discrepancies, as
detailed at
As noted in #886133, it also took a really long time to complete
(roughly seven and a half hours).
Could you please take a look?
Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at alum.mit.edu, ucko at debian.org)
http://www.mit.edu/~amu/ | http://stuff.mit.edu/cgi/finger/?amu@monk.mit.edu
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