Re: Bug#572384: opal_3.6.6~dfsg-4/hppa FTBFS: undefined reference
> Moreover, I have downloaded the package from
> and
> extracted the lib. IIUC, that function is there indeed (the first is on
> my amd64 machine, the second is hppa extracted file):
> snoopy:~$ nm -D /usr/lib/ |grep Trigger
> 000000000020d850 T _ZN12PVXMLSession7TriggerEv
> 000000000020d840 T _ZThn1096_N12PVXMLSession7TriggerEv
> snoopy:~$ nm -D |grep Trigger
> 001abb74 T _ZN12PVXMLSession7TriggerEv
> 001abb6c T _ZThn1152_N12PVXMLSession7TriggerEv
> snoopy:~$
The latter symbol is the symbol of interest. Would you run the link
command with --trace-symbol=_ZThn1152_N12PVXMLSession7TriggerEv to find
the name of the linked file which references the symbol.
It may be the link order is bad.
J. David Anglin
National Research Council of Canada (613) 990-0752 (FAX: 952-6602)
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