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Strange FTBFS for ffmpeg-debian on hppa

Hi hppa porters,

The recent ffmpeg-debian build failiure is a bit confusing to me,
because the previous upload did build just fine on the very same buildd.
please compare yourself:


find the while debdiff attached.

There I find the following possibly relevant change:

@@ -94,10 +90,6 @@
 shared_build_confflags += --enable-shared
 shared_build_confflags += --disable-static
-# i386 does just fine without -fPIC
-ifneq      ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),i386)
-shared_build_confflags += --extra-cflags="-fPIC -DPIC"

This means that the --extra-cflags switch is not set anymore. However,
investigating the buildlog more closely, there are multiple occurances
of "-fPIC -DPIC", one from the "extra-cflags" and one from the upstream
makefiles in the -9 build. In the -10 build, none of the two appear.

I'd like to see the generated config.mak file during build. Could you
please provide me access to an hppa machine with an up-to-date sid
chroot and the build-dependencies for ffmpeg-debian installed?
(alternatively, has there been some changes in the buildd that might
explain the appearant change in behavior)?

Attachment: ffmpeg.debdiff
Description: ffmpeg debdiff

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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