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Re: hppa on a 742

Hi Martin

> First of all, you need to specify the machine in the /etc/rbootd.conf file.
> Looks like you have this working already, but here it is:
> 08:00:09:35:21:18       guernsey
> Then you need to set up bootp/dhcp.  The dhcpd is capable of serving both;
> I use bootp.  Here's the stanza I used for this machine in /etc/dhcpd.conf:
> host guernsey {
>         # 715/50
>         hardware ethernet 08:00:09:35:21:18;
>         fixed-address;
> }
> Finally, set up NFS.  My /etc/exports looks like this:
> /tftpboot,no_root_squash)
> Did that, what I'm missing here is where do you tell the diskless machine
> that it needs to boot a kernel from a network server?

This is what I use in my dhcpd server and it should answer your question:
        host pa64 {
                hardware ethernet 08:00:09:c2:9e:60;
                server-name "P100";
                next-server P100;
                filename "vmlinux";

The "P100" in "server-name" and "next-server" is the hostname of my 
tftp server. IP-Adresses should work instead too.
"vmlinux" is really a lifimage and no vmlinux file.

> And after that where is the root file system?
> Now my machine attempts to mount /tftpboot/, so I have to
> create a directory hierarchy there.
> is the structure /tftpboot/IP-Adress default?

I think so.
In my ../palo/Makefile I have
which will be encapsulated in the lifimage and will be used by linux. is the IP-Address of my "P100" tftp-server.

> If I recall right from the time I used to run a HP cluster the rbootd only
> transmits lif files, right?

IIRC yep.

> Do the ones I have downloaded include the kernel? Or just the primary boot
> loader?

I think both.

> Is there a way to build the lif files? A lifls on HP-UX gives an error
> message,
> saying the the file isn't a lif file.

This is what palo does at the end of building a boot-kernel:

./palo/palo -f /dev/null  -b iplboot -k /home/cvs/parisc/linux/vmlinux \
 -c "0/vmlinux HOME=/ TERM=linux root=/dev/sda3 ip=bootp " \
        -s lifimage

This means you need the palo executable, the "iplboot"-file and the 
standard "vmlinux"-file and then it generates a "lifimage" file with 
the parameters inside the "-c"-parameter.

> Cheers Martin


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