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Re: HTCondor 23.3.0

Hi Tim,

Am Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 12:21:40PM -0600 schrieb Tim Theisen:
> I have built HTCondor 23.3.0 for Debian on Salsa.
> So, I need a little guidance.
> How do I get this into unstable? In the changelog, it is marked as
> UNRELEASED. Do I change that to unstable or is that done by someone else?

It depends a bit from the team you are working in.  In all teams I know
the policy is that the person who does the actual upload using dput
is setting dist to unstable.

> In the Alioth days, I would sign the build and upload it to mentors-ftp.
> What is the procedure now that Salsa is being used?
> HTCondor release cadence is monthly. So, I'll be doing this every month.
> Long term, I'd like to become a Debian Maintainer so that I could upload
> HTCondor versions myself.

If you have upload permissions (I think I remember Diane wanted to grant
you these permissions) just set it and dput the *_source.changes file.
If you need more details about this just ask again.  BTW, I prefer

> Any advice is appreciated.

Another advise might be to

    sudo apt install routine-update

This updates the upstream source (if there is a new release) and might
do some other upgrading stuff, finally sets dist to unstable builds the
package and tags the release.

Hope this helps


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