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Bug#1012469: Analysis of issue with Debian package

Dave did some analysis of the cause of this bug, and he wrote the following:

I did a little bit more digging, as I was curious how a dependency version change would cause this particular error. I now don't think it's directly from a dependency version difference, but it's indirect through a patch instead.

Debian has this patch: https://salsa.debian.org/hpc-team/singularity-container/-/blob/master/debian/patches/conveyorPacker_oci.patch

... which makes that function return an empty imgspecv1.ImageConfig{} always... instead of the ImageConfig from the Docker/OCI image.

Later on we retrieve the ENV values out of the config that this function returns. But with the Debian patch the config is going to be empty, so no ENV is seen.

I think this patch was done because of an incompatibility with the version of a dependency they have switched to, versus our pinned version. However it's the bad patch causing the error with generating Docker -> Singularity containers, not the dependency change itself.

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