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status of libpsm2-2-compat library


I have it on good authority that the libpsm2 package libpsm2-2-compat
will no longer be offered by upstream at some point in the near

libpsm2-2-compat provides user space psm1 functionality to
applications that require a psm1 interface to Omni-Path hardware.
Specifically, this regards openmpi versions older than v2. Sorry, I
don't know the exact version of openmpi that added psm2 support.

There don't appear to be any current Debian distribution dependencies
upon libpsm2-2-compat, according to

When libpsm2-2-compat goes away, it will correct the following lintian
issues with libpsm2:

E: libpsm2-2-compat: library-not-linked-against-libc
W: libpsm2-2-compat: obsolete-command-in-modprobe.d-file
etc/modprobe.d/libpsm2-compat.conf install
W: libpsm2-2-compat: obsolete-command-in-modprobe.d-file
etc/modprobe.d/libpsm2-compat.conf remove
W: libpsm2-2-compat: postrm-removes-alternative postrm:8

If anyone has complaints about the removal of libpsm2-2-compat, I will
bring it up with Intel.

Brian T. Smith
System Fabric Works
Senior Principal Engineer
GPG Key: 0xB3C2C7B73BA3CD7F

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