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Re: Buster to be released with singularity-container?


...to add on just a little to what Michael and Carsten said

على ٢٧‏/٤‏/١٤٤٠ هـ ‫١٠:٣٧ م، كتب Tom Downes:

It seems to me that this will (1) block all new uploads of singularity-container to testing and (2) block the specific version presently in testing from buster’s migration to stable.

Q0: is this correct / am I missing other impacts?
Q1: will the current version (2.6.1-1) eventually disappear from testing?

Yes and yes. Unfortunately, the official Debian package would only be available for Unstable.

Q2: Could one develop and maintain a 3.x/Golang package in unstable and bypass testing directly to buster-backports and stretch-backports-sloppy?

Q2 seems like a reasonable approach as (a) the backports page specifically identifies security updates as a reason for skipping testing in the backport workflow and (b) the singularity-container package has been good about releasing the 2.x series stretch-backports and jessie-backports-sloppy (prior to jessie entering LTS).

Like Michael said, the backports team tends to pretty strict about this. The rules are at <https://backports.debian.org/Contribute/> and I've never seen them grant an exception (aside from security uploads destined for testing anyway). They are strict about ensuring an upgrade path for the backported packages between releases.

Yaroslav has been maintaining unofficial singularity backports in his Neurodebian repositories [1], but he doesn't have 3.x there either yet as far as I know.

I appreciate the effort and dedication to packaging standards even as Golang/agile development makes it hard.


thanks and regards

1. http://neuro.debian.net/

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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