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Re: Adding copilot

On Wed, 23 Nov 2022, Ivan Perez wrote:


Scott, thanks a lot for submitting Copilot 3.12.

I see that it is currently in Debian unstable, but not testing or in Ubuntu Lunar.

Do you know why it's not making it through? Is there something blocking it (e.g., build problem)?

Hey Ivan,

Yes, I happened to notice on the day you released 3.12 and went ahead and updated it right away. :)

I actually don't understand why it currently isn't migrating to testing. If you look at the tracker page for copilot-theorem [1], it claims to be being blocked by haskell-what4/arm64. But this doesn't make any sense to me because what4 already migrated to testing on Oct 17. My only guess is that it has to do with some of the BinNMU's (rebuilds) that have occurred? I will have to ask the release team because I don't understand how to investigate further.


[1] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/haskell-copilot-theorem

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