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Re: Transition, libghc-xmonad-dev

Hi Adam and others,

On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 02:32:42PM +0200, Adam Sjøgren wrote:
Jonas writes:

[Switching xmonad's man-page generation from Pandoc to cmark]

xmonad was one of the last ones to get back in sync. I imagine that a
decoupling from Pandoc might change that.

I have taken this up on the xmonad mailing list; if they also think it
is a good idea, I will give it a go.

I recently joined the xmonad core team and noticed your cmark patch which has been left unnoticed for half a year. We're sorry about that!

Even before I noticed that patch, I tried to solve the pandoc problem (which, looking at debian-haskell list archive, seems to be a recurrent one) by using pandoc via the arguably more stable command-line interface instead of the Haskell API: https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad/pull/260

This resulted in a fairly heated debate between the xmonad maintainers, and it was suggested that the Debian xmonad package should not rebuild the manpage at all and just take xmonad.1 and xmonad.1.html from the release tarball. Is that acceptable or is Debian policy against that?

It's also been suggested that Debian should just upgrade to pandoc 2.11 which the next release of xmonad needs for generatemanpage. While that is obviously just a short term solution, would you folks please help us understand what drives decisions about Haskell package versions in Debian? I found this: https://www.mail-archive.com/debian-haskell@lists.debian.org/msg07997.html and https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/package-plan/-/blob/master/lts.config, which suggests Debian is currently following LTS 16.9. When do you decide to switch to another LTS? Does it also mean that when we release xmonad, it will only get to Debian once you switch to a newer LTS?

(I tried to reach you earlier by posting to the xmonad list and Ccing Adam, Ilias and Clint, who touched the xmonad Debian package recently, but got no reply yet: https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/xmonad/2021-January/015409.html)

Best regards,

Tomáš Janoušek, a.k.a. Pivník, a.k.a. Liskni_si, https://work.lisk.in/

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