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Forking a discontinued package

I'm packaging a Haskell project that needs the now-discontinued
haskell-download-curl. (Discontinued in Debian, not discontinued on

This gives me a problem, of course. However, my package is unlikely to
end up in Debian, and will most likely just be distributed within my
company by hosting it on our internal repo. (Although it is open-source:
https://github.com/neilmayhew/RepoExplorer/). So the easiest solution I
could see was for me to resurrect the debian directory for
haskell-download-curl and host it myself. I did this by cloning
DHG_packages and using git filter-branch to extract just
p/haskell-download-curl/. I added a couple of commits changing the
maintainer and VCS address and adding a new README, and pushed the
result to github:


The package builds using pbuilder, and my main program is able to build
against it, also in pbuilder.

Is this an OK thing to do, and are there any details I haven't got
right, particularly regarding attribution and copyright? I don't have a
LICENSE file at the top level yet because I didn't see a copyright
statement for the packaging itself. The one in debian/copyright appears
to be for the upstream source rather than the packaging.

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