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[PATCH 01/11] Allow building of documentation when when package has no Haskell modules (fixed linebreaks)

 hlibrary.mk      |   7 +-
 hlibrary.mk.orig | 229 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 hlibrary.mk.orig

diff --git a/hlibrary.mk b/hlibrary.mk
index b7f046b..fb91ca5 100644
--- a/hlibrary.mk
+++ b/hlibrary.mk
@@ -145,7 +145,8 @@ endif
 build/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-prof build/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-dev:: build-ghc-stamp check-ghc-stamp
-	[ ! -x /usr/bin/haddock ] || $(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) haddock --builddir=dist-ghc $(DEB_HADDOCK_OPTS)
+	[ ! -x /usr/bin/haddock ] || $(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) haddock --builddir=dist-ghc $(DEB_HADDOCK_OPTS) || \
+	  echo "Haddock failed (no modules?), creating empty documentation package."
 	touch build-haddock-stamp
 build/haskell-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-doc build/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-doc:: configure-ghc-stamp build-haddock-stamp
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ debian/extra-depends: debian/tmp-inst-ghc
 DEB_LINTIAN_OVERRIDES_FILE = debian/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-dev.lintian-overrides
 install/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-dev:: debian/tmp-inst-ghc debian/extra-depends
-	cd debian/tmp-inst-ghc ; find usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/ \
+	cd debian/tmp-inst-ghc ; mkdir -p usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib ; find usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/ \
 		\( ! -name "*_p.a" ! -name "*.p_hi" \) \
 		-exec install -Dm 644 '{}' ../$(notdir $@)/'{}' ';'
 	pkg_config=`$(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) register --builddir=dist-ghc --gen-pkg-config | tr -d ' \n' | sed -r 's,^.*:,,'`; \
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ install/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-dev:: debian/tmp-inst-ghc debian/extra-depends
 	dh_haskell_shlibdeps -p$(notdir $@)
 install/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-prof:: debian/tmp-inst-ghc install/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-dev debian/extra-depends
-	cd debian/tmp-inst-ghc ; find usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/ \
+	cd debian/tmp-inst-ghc ; mkdir -p usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib ; find usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/ \
 		! \( ! -name "*_p.a" ! -name "*.p_hi" \) \
 		-exec install -Dm 644 '{}' ../$(notdir $@)/'{}' ';'
 	dh_haskell_provides -p$(notdir $@)
diff --git a/hlibrary.mk.orig b/hlibrary.mk.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7f046b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hlibrary.mk.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# -*- mode: makefile -*-
+# Copyright 2008 Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>
+# Description: A class for Haskell library packages
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+# your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307 USA.
+export GREP_OPTIONS :=
+# Set a dummy HOME variable upon build. Some build daemons do not set HOME, but
+# cabal expects it to be available.
+export HOME = /homedoesnotexistatbuildtime
+DEB_CABAL_PACKAGE ?= $(shell cat *.cabal |\
+ perl -ne \
+ 'if (/^name\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$$/i) {$$_ = $$1; tr/A-Z/a-z/; print; exit 0;}')
+CABAL_VERSION=$(shell cat *.cabal | egrep -i '^\s*version:' | head -n1 | sed -r 's,^\s*version:\s*,,i'| sed -r 's,\s*$$,,i')
+DEB_DH_GENCONTROL_ARGS_libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-dev += -- '-DGHC-Package=$${haskell:ghc-package}'
+ifneq (,$(filter libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-prof,$(DEB_PACKAGES)))
+ENABLE_PROFILING = --enable-library-profiling
+NO_GHCI_FLAG = $(shell test -e /usr/bin/ghci || echo --ghc-option=-DDEBIAN_NO_GHCI; exit 0)
+DEB_COMPRESS_EXCLUDE += .haddock .hs .txt
+# We do not want to take dependency information
+# from libHS*.so files, because
+# * dh_haskell_shlibs takes care of that and
+# * it would introduced unwanted dependencies on libgmp
+# If the latter can be avoided, this could be changed to
+# DEB_DH_SHLIBDEPS_ARGS_ALL += -- --ignore-missing-info
+# (because we do not (yet) have shlibs files for libHS libraries)
+# TODO:
+# - some of this would probably be useful for generic Haskell programs,
+#   not just libraries
+# - provide more hooks
+# - get this included in the cdbs package once this gets mature enough (maybe?)
+DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME ?= debian/hlibrary.setup
+DEB_HADDOCK_HTML_DIR ?= /usr/share/doc/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-doc/html/
+# most likely you don't need to touch this one
+GHC6_VERSION = $(shell ghc --numeric-version)
+GHC_VERSION = $(shell ghc --numeric-version)
+DEB_HADDOCK_DIR ?= /usr/lib/ghc-doc/haddock/$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-$(CABAL_VERSION)/
+DEB_HADDOCK_OPTS += --html --hoogle
+DEB_HADDOCK_OPTS += --hyperlink-source
+DEB_HOOGLE_TXT_DIR = /usr/lib/ghc-doc/hoogle/
+MAKEFILE := debian/hlibrary.Makefile
+#ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+#    NUMJOBS = $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+   OPTIMIZATION = --disable-optimization
+ifeq ($(DEB_ENABLE_TESTS),yes)
+ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+   TESTS = --enable-tests
+	[ ! -x "$(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME)" ] || $(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) clean
+	rm -rf dist dist-ghc dist-hugs $(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) Setup.hi Setup.ho Setup.o .*config*
+	rm -f configure-ghc-stamp build-ghc-stamp build-hugs-stamp build-haddock-stamp
+	rm -rf debian/tmp-inst-ghc
+	rm -f debian/extra-depends
+	rm -f debian/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-doc.links
+	if [ -f $(DEB_LINTIAN_OVERRIDES_FILE) ] ; then					\
+	    sed -i '/binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath/ d' $(DEB_LINTIAN_OVERRIDES_FILE) ;	\
+	    find $(DEB_LINTIAN_OVERRIDES_FILE) -empty -delete;				\
+	fi
+	rm -f $(MAKEFILE)
+	rm -rf debian/dh_haskell_shlibdeps
+	for setup in Setup.lhs Setup.hs; do if test -e $$setup; then ghc --make $$setup -o $(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME); exit 0; fi; done
+configure-ghc-stamp: $(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME)
+	$(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) configure --ghc -v2 \
+		--prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib \
+		--builddir=dist-ghc \
+		--ghc-options="-optl$$(dpkg-buildflags --get LDFLAGS)" \
+		--haddockdir=$(DEB_HADDOCK_DIR) --datasubdir=$(CABAL_PACKAGE)\
+	touch $@
+build-ghc-stamp: configure-ghc-stamp
+	$(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) build --builddir=dist-ghc
+	touch $@
+ifeq ($(DEB_ENABLE_TESTS),yes)
+ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+check-ghc-stamp: build-ghc-stamp
+	$(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) test --builddir=dist-ghc --show-details=always
+	touch $@
+check-ghc-stamp: build-ghc-stamp
+	@echo DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS contains nocheck, not running checks
+	touch $@
+check-ghc-stamp: build-ghc-stamp
+	@echo DEB_ENABLE_TESTS not set to yes, not running any tests.
+	touch $@
+build/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-prof build/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-dev:: build-ghc-stamp check-ghc-stamp
+	[ ! -x /usr/bin/haddock ] || $(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) haddock --builddir=dist-ghc $(DEB_HADDOCK_OPTS)
+	touch build-haddock-stamp
+build/haskell-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-doc build/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-doc:: configure-ghc-stamp build-haddock-stamp
+dist-hugs: $(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME)
+	$(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) configure --hugs --prefix=/usr -v2 --builddir=dist-hugs $(DEB_SETUP_HUGS_CONFIGURE_ARGS)
+build/libhugs-$(CABAL_PACKAGE):: dist-hugs
+	$(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) build --builddir=dist-hugs
+debian/tmp-inst-ghc: $(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) build-ghc-stamp
+	$(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) copy --builddir=dist-ghc --destdir=debian/tmp-inst-ghc
+debian/extra-depends: debian/tmp-inst-ghc
+	pkg_config=`$(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) register --builddir=dist-ghc --gen-pkg-config | tr -d ' \n' | sed -r 's,^.*:,,'` ; \
+		dh_haskell_extra_depends $$pkg_config ; \
+		rm $$pkg_config
+DEB_LINTIAN_OVERRIDES_FILE = debian/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-dev.lintian-overrides
+install/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-dev:: debian/tmp-inst-ghc debian/extra-depends
+	cd debian/tmp-inst-ghc ; find usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/ \
+		\( ! -name "*_p.a" ! -name "*.p_hi" \) \
+		-exec install -Dm 644 '{}' ../$(notdir $@)/'{}' ';'
+	pkg_config=`$(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) register --builddir=dist-ghc --gen-pkg-config | tr -d ' \n' | sed -r 's,^.*:,,'`; \
+		$(if $(HASKELL_HIDE_PACKAGES),sed -i 's/^exposed: True$$/exposed: False/' $$pkg_config;) \
+		install -Dm 644 $$pkg_config debian/$(notdir $@)/var/lib/ghc/package.conf.d/$$pkg_config; \
+		rm -f $$pkg_config
+	if [ 'z$(DEB_GHC_EXTRA_PACKAGES)' != 'z' ] ; then \
+		mkdir -p debian/$(notdir $@)/usr/lib/haskell-packages/extra-packages; \
+		echo '$(DEB_GHC_EXTRA_PACKAGES)' > debian/$(notdir $@)/usr/lib/haskell-packages/extra-packages/$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-$(CABAL_VERSION) ; \
+	fi
+	grep -s binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath $(DEB_LINTIAN_OVERRIDES_FILE) \
+	     || echo binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath >> $(DEB_LINTIAN_OVERRIDES_FILE)
+	dh_haskell_provides -p$(notdir $@)
+	dh_haskell_depends -p$(notdir $@)
+	dh_haskell_shlibdeps -p$(notdir $@)
+install/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-prof:: debian/tmp-inst-ghc install/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-dev debian/extra-depends
+	cd debian/tmp-inst-ghc ; find usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/ \
+		! \( ! -name "*_p.a" ! -name "*.p_hi" \) \
+		-exec install -Dm 644 '{}' ../$(notdir $@)/'{}' ';'
+	dh_haskell_provides -p$(notdir $@)
+	dh_haskell_depends -p$(notdir $@)
+install/haskell-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-doc install/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-doc:: debian/tmp-inst-ghc build-haddock-stamp debian/extra-depends
+	mkdir -p debian/$(notdir $@)/$(DEB_HADDOCK_HTML_DIR)
+	cd debian/tmp-inst-ghc/ ; find ./$(DEB_HADDOCK_HTML_DIR)/ \
+		! -name "*.haddock" -exec install -Dm 644 '{}' \
+		../$(notdir $@)/'{}' ';'
+	mkdir -p debian/$(notdir $@)/$(DEB_HADDOCK_DIR)
+	[ 0 = `ls debian/tmp-inst-ghc/$(DEB_HADDOCK_DIR)/ 2>/dev/null | wc -l` ] || \
+		cp -r debian/tmp-inst-ghc/$(DEB_HADDOCK_DIR)/*.haddock \
+		debian/$(notdir $@)/$(DEB_HADDOCK_DIR)
+ifeq ($(DEB_ENABLE_HOOGLE),yes)
+	find debian/$(notdir $@)/$(DEB_HADDOCK_HTML_DIR) -name "*.txt" \
+		-printf "%p $(DEB_HOOGLE_TXT_DIR)/$(notdir $@).txt\n" >> debian/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-doc.links
+	sed -i s,^debian/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-doc,, debian/libghc-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)-doc.links
+	dh_haskell_depends -p$(notdir $@)
+install/libhugs-$(CABAL_PACKAGE):: $(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) dist-hugs debian/extra-depends
+	$(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME) copy --destdir=debian/libhugs-$(CABAL_PACKAGE) --builddir=dist-hugs
+	rm -rf debian/libhugs-$(CABAL_PACKAGE)/usr/share/doc/*
+	dh_haskell_depends -p$(notdir $@)
+# Run dh_haskell_blurbs on all packags, useful e.g. for binary packages
+$(patsubst %,install/%,$(DEB_PACKAGES)) :: install/%:
+	dh_haskell_blurbs -p$(cdbs_curpkg)
+# Support for installing executables
+define newline
+$(patsubst debian/%.haskell-binaries,build/%,$(wildcard debian/*.haskell-binaries)):: build-ghc-stamp
+$(patsubst debian/%.haskell-binaries,install/%,$(wildcard debian/*.haskell-binaries)):: debian/tmp-inst-ghc
+	$(foreach binary,$(shell cat debian/$(cdbs_curpkg).haskell-binaries),dh_install -p$(cdbs_curpkg) dist-ghc/build/$(binary)/$(binary) usr/bin $(newline))

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