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Future of reasons.hs


As I already wrote earlier on the list, reaons.hs has some problems of
identifying BD-Uninstallable packages in spefial cases.

As it turns out this doesn't only affect BD-Uninstallable packages, but
also other packages (described in detail below).

However, solving this will be (or at least looks like) a lot of work.
Before I start solving this I wanted to ask if you consider reaons.hs
really useful. If it's not considered useful, it's not really worth the
effort to solve this problem. So please tell me what you're thinking.

The problem in detail:
Consider two packages A and B. A depends on B in a way that A and B can
only migrate together.
If now B has the same version in testing and in unstable, Britney won't
generate any excuses for it. However, it may have problems that block
the transition of A, but since there are no excuses, reasons.hs will
believe there is everything fine with B.
A solution to this could be, to teach resons.hs to generate it's own
excuses if Britney didn't do so.


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