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Re: Haskell status summary

On 12/06/2012 22:49, Joachim Breitner wrote:

A) Upload the fixed haskell-cryptocipher to unstable, let it build
on mips, s390, s390x and sparc, remove stuff on powerpc, migrate.

B) Remove stuff on mips, powerpc, s390, s390x and sparc, migrate.

FTR, a solution smilar to B has been chosen (i.e. temporarily remove
affected source packages from testing to let ghc migrate) and ghc migrated.

I’m leaning towards A or B to get the migration done and only then
consider GHC 7.4.2.

I'm afraid we won't have enough time to get GHC 7.4.2 in but we would
consider accepting targeted fixes (that do not require rebuilding the
Haskell world).


Mehdi Dogguy مهدي الدڤي

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