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Re: Haskell web sites (Was: List introductions)


Am Freitag, den 09.09.2011, 13:01 -0400 schrieb Joey Hess:
> > URL as expected by hackage and pulled by them regularly:
> > 	http://people.debian.org/~nomeata/cabalDebianMap.txt
> Hmm, the other distro's versions of this would be an interesting
> datasource for finding good modules that are not yet packaged in Debian.

nice idea. The data is here:
and can easily be massaged from within ghci. Here is the list of
packages in other distros, but not in Debian:

AC-Vector NixOS
Agda-executable NixOS FreeBSD
AspectAG NixOS
BNFC-meta NixOS
CouchDB NixOS
DeepArrow FreeBSD
ForSyDe Fedora
GlomeVec NixOS
Graphalyze NixOS
HList NixOS
HaRe NixOS
HaskellForMaths NixOS
Hipmunk NixOS
JsContracts NixOS
LambdaHack NixOS
MazesOfMonad NixOS
MonadPrompt NixOS
ObjectName NixOS FreeBSD
OneTuple NixOS
OpenGLRaw NixOS
PSQueue NixOS FreeBSD
Shellac-haskeline NixOS
Shellac-readline NixOS
StateVar NixOS FreeBSD
Tensor NixOS FreeBSD
TypeCompose FreeBSD
Vec NixOS
WebBits NixOS
WebBits-Html NixOS
aeson-native NixOS
alex-meta NixOS
ansi-terminal NixOS FreeBSD Fedora
ansi-wl-pprint NixOS FreeBSD
async NixOS
attoparsec-text-enumerator NixOS
authenticate NixOS
base64-string NixOS
benchpress NixOS
bimap NixOS
bio FreeBSD
bitmap NixOS
bktrees NixOS
blaze-textual-native NixOS
bmp NixOS
bsd-sysctl FreeBSD
bytestring-mmap NixOS
bytestring-trie NixOS Fedora
cabal-dev Fedora
cabal2nix NixOS
checkers FreeBSD
cmdlib NixOS
colorize-haskell NixOS
continued-fractions NixOS
control-monad-attempt NixOS
converge NixOS
css-text NixOS
data-reify NixOS
derive NixOS
dotgen NixOS
double-conversion NixOS FreeBSD
epic NixOS
extensible-exceptions NixOS
fclabels NixOS
filemanip FreeBSD
filepath NixOS
fingertree NixOS
flexible-defaults NixOS
funcmp NixOS
gamma NixOS
gdiff NixOS
ghc-core NixOS
ghc-syb NixOS
ghc-syb-utils NixOS
graphviz NixOS
hackage-db NixOS
happy-meta NixOS
haskeline-class NixOS
haskell-src-meta NixOS
haxr-th NixOS
heist FreeBSD
hlibev FreeBSD
hmatrix NixOS
hoogle FreeBSD
hopenssl NixOS
hostname NixOS FreeBSD
hp2any-core NixOS
hp2any-graph NixOS
hs-bibutils NixOS FreeBSD
hsdns NixOS
hslogger-template NixOS
hspread NixOS
hsyslog NixOS
http-server FreeBSD
httpd-shed NixOS
idris NixOS
ivor NixOS
jpeg NixOS
json-enumerator NixOS
json-types NixOS
language-haskell-extract NixOS
libmpd FreeBSD Fedora
libxml FreeBSD
logfloat NixOS
mersenne-random-pure64 NixOS
mime FreeBSD
monad-peel NixOS
mpppc NixOS
mueval FreeBSD
multiplate NixOS
multirec NixOS
multiset NixOS
murmur-hash NixOS FreeBSD
mysql FreeBSD
nixos-types NixOS
numeric-prelude NixOS
parameterized-data Fedora
parsimony NixOS
pathtype NixOS
pcap FreeBSD
pointed FreeBSD
porte FreeBSD
ppm NixOS
probability FreeBSD
process-leksah NixOS Fedora
pwstore-fast NixOS
random NixOS
random-fu NixOS
random-shuffle NixOS
random-source NixOS
reactive FreeBSD
regex-pcre-builtin NixOS FreeBSD
regular NixOS
repa NixOS
repa-algorithms NixOS
repa-bytestring NixOS
repa-io NixOS
rvar NixOS
scgi FreeBSD
snap FreeBSD
snap-core NixOS FreeBSD
snap-server NixOS FreeBSD
soegtk FreeBSD
stateref NixOS
stb-image NixOS
storable-complex NixOS
storable-record NixOS
streamproc NixOS
stringsearch FreeBSD
system-fileio NixOS
system-filepath NixOS
tabular NixOS
test-framework NixOS FreeBSD
test-framework-hunit NixOS FreeBSD
test-framework-quickcheck NixOS
test-framework-quickcheck2 NixOS FreeBSD
test-framework-th NixOS
th-lift NixOS
threadmanager NixOS
time NixOS
tuple NixOS
unamb FreeBSD
uniqueid NixOS
uu-parsinglib NixOS
uuagc-bootstrap NixOS
uuagc-cabal NixOS
vacuum NixOS
vacuum-cairo NixOS
wl-pprint-text NixOS
wx NixOS
wxcore NixOS
wxdirect NixOS
xml-enumerator NixOS
xml-types NixOS
xmlhtml FreeBSD
xmonad-extras NixOS
yap NixOS
yesod-auth NixOS
yesod-json NixOS
yesod-static NixOS
yst NixOS
zipper NixOS

A lot of them are not particularly interesting. For example,
process-leksah is a patched version of process that works around bugs
not present in current ghc versions, hence we build against stock
process. And HaskellForMaths is obsoleted by the algebra package just
uploaded by Iulian. So generally, I’d advise against a simple “let’s
make sure we package at least as much as them” and keep the quality in
Debian up.

OTOH The set of vaccum packages is actually on my imaginary TODO list...


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  nomeata@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nomeata@joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata

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