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Re: Terrible shape of our Haskell platform

> Today, I am noticing:
> * we have GHC 6.10.3, but not the version of time that most people use
>   with GHC 6.10.3.  I maintain my Haskell packages on a Debian
>   system.  I have to upload different code to Hackage because Debian
>   is so out of date -- even in *SID*.
> * we have no apparent effort to provide a haskell-platform metapackage
>   at all.  This is a terrible thing that will bite us over and over
>   again, I fear.
> * Important bits of our Haskell infrastructure are unmaintained.
>   Arjan, who doesn't have time to maintain Haskell packages anymore,
>   is still the maintainer of record for haskell-devscripts, http,
>   hsql, regex, haskelldb, haxml, helium.
> We have made some progress on other things, such as standardized
> debian/ directories, but we are moving at a glacial pace on a lot of
> the rest of this.  Most of it is out of anyone's hands but Kari to
> fix, since he's the maintainer of ghc and most of the core
> infrastructure that Arjan isn't.
> Do we have a plan to address it?  If so, is there something I can help
> with?  If, let's make one, and quick.

The Aussie's are making progress,


FWIW, on Arch Linux I had to take over maintainance of Haskell packages that had
previously been maintained by non-Haskell devs. We did this via a joint
account 'arch-haskell', which now maintains everything: ghc, core libs,
platform, tools and extras.

We're slowly moving stuff into the base system.

-- Don

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