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Re: fbvnc in ipaq

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 21:38:01 -0600 (CST)
From: Luis Mochan <mochan@em.fis.unam.mx>
To: Klaus Weidner <kweidner@pobox.com>
Cc: Luis Mochan <mochan@em.fis.unam.mx>
Subject: Re: fbvnc

Dear Klaus,

	Thank you very much for your answer. I have my previous (binary 
downloaded with pocketworkstation) and new (compiled from source)
fbvnc programs with the -debug option and comparing their outputs and 
checking the list of running programs at each stage. I have attached the 
full captured session, slightly edited and commented, in case you would be 
able to look through it. The important differences I noticed are the 

When I ran the previous version I received the messages:
  True colour: max red 31 green 63 blue 31
              shift red 11 green 5 blue 0
  FBmouseopen: Error opening /dev/gpmdata, trying /dev/mouse
  FBmouseopen: Error opening /dev/mouse
  Skipping FBputcmap
  14/02/2006 22:20:21 Pixel format for client
  14/02/2006 22:20:21   16 bpp, depth 16, little endian
  14/02/2006 22:20:21   true colour: max r 15 g 15 b 15, shift r 12 g 7 b 
  14/02/2006 22:20:21 Using raw encoding for client
  14/02/2006 22:20:21 Using copyrect encoding for client

and kept fbvnc running, while the new version yielded

  True colour: max red 31 green 63 blue 31
              shift red 11 green 5 blue 0
  root@h3600:~# 14/02/2006 22:23:10 Client gone
  14/02/2006 22:23:10 Statistics:
  14/02/2006 22:23:10   framebuffer updates 0, rectangles 0, bytes 0

and terminated fbvnc, leaving the screen blank (dark), although 
Xfbdev, matchbox-desktop, etc., from 'familiar' seemed to continue 
running. Actually, the list of running programs and their state were 
identical, except for the missing fbvnc.

The main difference seem to be the FBmouseopen error messages and that 
FBputcmap was skipped in the first case, while in the later case the 
program seems to have quited after the 'True color message'.

As a further test I ran once again the old fbvnc. The pocketworkstation 
screen appeared again as in the first run. 

When I exited fbvnc the screen became blank again. However, not 
completely. Actually I got some kind of console I hadn't seen before with 
a message: 
  FBmouseopen: Error opening mouse
  ofbis fatal error: FBputcmap: Put colourmap failed: Invalid argument

I believe this message is significative, as FBputcmap was skipped in the 
first case.

Do you find any clue in this information?

By the way, the programs were compiled in the ipaq itself, without using 
any toolkit.

On the other hand, my purpose in compiling fbvnc is to make small 
modifications in order to make my external stowaway keyboard work within 
the fbvnc environment. Has this been already done? Is it feasible? Can you 
offer me any further advice?

Best regards,
Luis Mochan

On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Klaus Weidner wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 09:41:51PM -0600, Luis Mochan wrote:
> > 	I tried compiling the fbvnc source according to your instructions 
> > in http://pocketworkstation.org/fbvnc.html. However, when I replaced the 
> > fbvnc that came with the pocketworkstation binaries with the freshly 
> > compiled fbvnc in an ipaq 3700, Fbvnc stopped working and it actually 
> > killed the running X. Do you know of similar problems? Any advice?
> This doesn't sound familiar, and it definitely shouldn't kill the X
> server. Can you try running fbvnc with the -debug flag to see if it
> prints any error messages?
> -Klaus

On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Luis Mochan wrote:

> I installed 'pocketworkstation' in an ipaq h3765 running 'familiar' 
> and it runs very nicely. However, I tried to compile and install fbvnc 
> from source, in order to try later to add support for my external 
> keyboard. The instructions in 
>         http://pocketworkstation.org/fbvnc.html
> namely, 
> > Get the Unix source code for VNC, unpack and compile it. It is available 
> > from http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/.
> > You also need the ofbis library, available from: 
> > http://osis.nocrew.org/ofbis/. Set the path in fbvnc/Imakefile to match 
> > where you installed this library.
> > Move the fbvnc directory into the VNC source directory:
> >      # mv fbvnc vnc_unixsrc/
> > Now you can build the code:
> >     # cd fbvnc
> >     # xmkmf
> >     # make
> seem slightly outdated, but I was able to gather the required packages and 
> to compile them. The problem is that my compiled fbvnc yields a blank 
> screen while the distributed binary fbvnc works beautifully. 
> 1) Has anyone compiled fbvnc lately? 
> 2) Any advice? 
> 3) Has anyone been able to make a stowaway keyboard work together with 
> fbvnc?
> Luis


W. Luis Mochan                    | tel:(52)(777)329-1734     /<(*)
Centro de Ciencias Fisicas, UNAM  | fax:(52)(777)317-3077     `>/   /\
Apdo. Postal 48-3, 62251          |     (52)(777)329-1775     (*)/\/  \
Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico       |mochan@fis.unam.mx    /\_/\__/


14/02/2006 18:59:52 Got connection from client
fbvnc: VNC server supports protocol version 3.130 (viewer 3.3)
14/02/2006 18:59:52 Protocol version 3.3
14/02/2006 18:59:54 Full-control authentication passed by
fbvnc: VNC authentication succeeded
fbvnc: Desktop name "root's x11 desktop (h3600:1)"
fbvnc: Connected to VNC server, using protocol version 3.3
fbvnc: VNC server default format:
16 bits per pixel.
Least significant byte first in each pixel.
True colour: max red 31 green 63 blue 31
            shift red 11 green 5 blue 0
FBmouseopen: Error opening /dev/gpmdata, trying /dev/mouse
FBmouseopen: Error opening /dev/mouse
Skipping FBputcmap
14/02/2006 18:59:54 Pixel format for client
14/02/2006 18:59:54   16 bpp, depth 16, little endian
14/02/2006 18:59:54   true colour: max r 15 g 15 b 15, shift r 12 g 7 b 1
14/02/2006 18:59:54 Using raw encoding for client
14/02/2006 18:59:54 Using copyrect encoding for client
root@h3600:~# 14/02/2006 19:00:04 Client gone
14/02/2006 19:00:04 Statistics:
14/02/2006 19:00:04   key events received 3, pointer events 0
14/02/2006 19:00:04   framebuffer updates 28, rectangles 127, bytes 856994
14/02/2006 19:00:04     raw rectangles 127, bytes 856994
14/02/2006 19:00:04   raw bytes equivalent 856994, compression ratio 1.000000


root@h3600:/media/cf1/debroot/home/mochan/vnc-4_1_1-unixsrc/fbvnc# ./fbvnc -hw ip

14/02/2006 19:01:53 Got connection from client
./fbvnc: VNC server supports protocol version 3.130 (viewer 3.3)
14/02/2006 19:01:53 Protocol version 3.3
14/02/2006 19:02:14 Full-control authentication passed by
./fbvnc: VNC authentication succeeded
./fbvnc: Desktop name "root's x11 desktop (h3600:1)"
./fbvnc: Connected to VNC server, using protocol version 3.3
./fbvnc: VNC server default format:
16 bits per pixel.
Least significant byte first in each pixel.
True colour: max red 31 green 63 blue 31
            shift red 11 green 5 blue 0
root@h3600:/media/cf1/debroot/home/mochan/vnc-4_1_1-unixsrc/fbvnc# 14/02/2006 19:
02:14 Client gone
14/02/2006 19:02:14 Statistics:
14/02/2006 19:02:14   framebuffer updates 0, rectangles 0, bytes 0

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