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Re: dpkg issue in Pocketworkstation v0.18


Went to Pocketworkstation v0.16 base, much leaner, set up a 32MB swap file inside the chrooted environment, and dpkg now runs nicely.  Managed to set up both r-base and r-recommended (endianness issue, I know, but a good workout for dpkg nonetheless).


On 10/14/05, Steven Sullivan <sullivan.steven@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all.

Running Pocketworkstation v0.18 (big) on a Zaurus SL-5600 running the Watapon ROM (Sharp ROM derivate).  Using Vncserver and Fbvnc from the prompt, not X/Qt in qpe.  I can apt-get update, and apt-get install seems to work fine except that dpkg always "exits unexpectedly" after dependencies are checked and items are downloaded.  I sure hope it's not a memory issue since I think I'm already avoiding the memory overhead of qpe by not running it.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?  I'm new to Debian so I'm not entirely sure what diagnostics to try.

Many thanks.


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