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Re: Re: Debian on Zaurus status?

Could someone please tell me what is possible on a 5600 at this point?
What I know (or think I know):
OZ is Debian-based but you can't use apt, but you can use ipkg to get packages from the OZ feed, but I'd REALLY like to get debian packages. According to another post (http://lists.debian.org/debian-handheld/2003/debian-handheld-200303/msg00007.html), .ipk is compatible with .deb, but if that's true, does the feed exist because the .ipk's are optimized and/or customized for the Zaurus? I'll have a 5600 in a couple days and OZ looks like an awesome option but having full-blown Debian would be ideal, or both! I know that's basically what pocketworkstation talks about (having both and chrooting to debian), but all the actual Debian-for-Zaurus-type ROMs I've seen require/recommend the CROW ROM, which is not for the 5600.

So I can have OZ on the onboard memory, and pocketworkstation's zaurus-debian on the 256MB SD card I'm going to have? I'll mess with everything as soon as I get my Zaurus but despite all that I've read so far it still isn't clear what is possible on the 5600. Any information is greatly appreciated.

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