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HELP- new developer: Debian and QT dev packages

Hi all-

as many of you are building packages for OPIE/Zaurus I hope to pick your
brains re setting up a cross & regular development environment under
Debian.  Currently I'm using a Woody/Sid combination- sometimes I can't
wait for a feature to get to stable :-)

My goals are:
* be able to compile desktop KDE applications for x86
	->need QT3
* be able to compile older QT applications for x86
	->need QT2.3.x
* compile Opie applications for ARM and x86
	->need QTE2.3.4

I'm wondering if it is possible to set-up the majority of this via
debs... so I pick up bug fixes the next time I do an update/upgrade.

I tried today, and wasted a lot of time going around in circles- there
seems to be QT (2.3.4), QT3, QTE3, QTE2.3, and QT-EMB  packages at the
moment, some conflict, some replace others, but seem to be older
versions, and then there's problems with libpng...  I did google the
issue and came up with a thread on the Debian KDE list; the problem was
acknowledged and it looks as if there are some plans to fix it, but
there were no final resolutions or dates set in what I read.

Have any of you succeeded in using the Debian package system to meet the
above goals?

Or at the moment is it best to:
1. Install KDE's requirements (QT3) via dpkg
2. manually install QT2.3 and build in it's own private directory as per
TrollTech's documentation
3. do the same for Opie and QTE2.3.4, following Opie's docs on
4. create wrapper scripts that set the bin, include (and possibly
LD_LIBRARY_PATH) for 2 and 3
5. manually download and install the QT2.3.x/QTE2.3.4 documentation and

As for the cross-compiler, in the past I've successfully followed the
instructions on handhelds.org re using Debian's build-cross-arch tools.

I'm not against doing it the second way- it'll just take a lot longer
and doesn't have the wonderful advantages of automatic updates.

If the later is the best way at the moment, perhaps some daring soul
could capture their setup (cross-compiler, QT headers, libraries, helper
scripts,etc) in an un-official Debian-Opie-Developers.deb?

I may be willing to do this if there is interest- but I warn you it'll
take me a long time; like everyone, I've got a dozen things going on,
and it'll take me time to build and verify my setup, then I'll have to
turn around and learn how to make a debian package...

Thank is advance for your guidance


Julian Rendell

PS- if any are wondering why I don't just update desktop aps from
QT2.3.x to QT3- these would be versions of OPIE aps modified for the
desktop; as I'm a learner, I just want to get a handle on QT2.3.x right
now... eventually I'll move to QT3, but unfortunately I've lost the jar
with my bigger brain, so that will have to wait a while :-)

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