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Re: Patch to M2 rotor

Thanks. I tried to submit upstream.

I'm just not 100% sure how this will end up in a Debian distribution. If the patch is applied to latest hamlibs, will this also be included in previous releases? E.g. Debian 11.6 is based on hamlib 4.0 while 4.5.4 is the latest stable. Just for me to understand, as I am not an expert of this.

Thanks again!


Alberto iw1fnw

Il 28/01/23 19:11, Christoph Berg ha scritto:
Re: Alberto Busso

I worked to try to solve some problems I found with the M2 rotor when
upgrading to Debian 11.6 (hamlib 4.0-7).

Here in annex my patch.

I hope you can take it into consideration. I am checking the status of
latest hamlib as well, but I have to run Debian 11.6 to use with Satnogs
(that's the reason of this patch).
Hi Alberto,

can you try to submit this upstream? It doesn't make much sense to
apply that to the Debian packages only when we can't even test it here.

Christoph DF7CB

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