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Package dump1090-mutability recommends python but doesn't contain python tools


dump1090-mutability recommends python (>= 2.5), I think this is
because two of the tools are python2-only, however none of the tools
are packaged.

$ grep -r python
tools/csv-to-json.py:#!/usr/bin/env python2
tools/replay-beast.py:#!/usr/bin/env python3
tools/fuzzy-30003-matcher.py:#!/usr/bin/env python3
tools/vrs-to-csv.py:#!/usr/bin/env python2
tools/extract-icao-ranges.py:#!/usr/bin/env python3
debian/control: python (>= 2.5)

Additionally, the upstream repository is unmaintained
and directs users to
(which has the same two tools which need python2)

There are several options:
1) drop the suggests for python 2
2) suggest python 3 and add only the tools that are compatible
3) suggest python 3 and add all the tools after converting those that
aren't compatible
4) do one of the above after importing the flightaware fork (whichI'm
not sure how it would be done)

Ideas on how to proceed?

73 de IU5HKX Daniele

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