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[Announcement] FreeDV Activity Day - November 5-6, 2022

Hello Debian Hams,

This would be a good chance to actually use and test some of the
software we package. `apt install freedv` and run it.
Let's get Debian folk on the air...

K6AQ writes:
-----Original Message-----
From: Mooneer Salem <mooneer@gmail.com>
To: digitalvoice@googlegroups.com; freetel-codec2@lists.sourceforge.net; ham-radio-tech-notes@groups.io
Sent: Thu, Oct 6, 2022 2:20 am
Subject: [Freetel-codec2] [Announcement] FreeDV Activity Day - November 5-6, 2022

Hi all,

We'll be doing another FreeDV Activity Day on the weekend of November
5-6, 2022! This event will bring together people interested in HF
digital voice on the air for conversation and fun. Contacts using the
official application[1] as well as the SM1000 handheld microphone are

(Note: this is different than previous Activity Days in that you have
the entire weekend, not just a 24 hour period. This may continue for
future Activity Days based on how the upcoming one goes.)

Event time: 12AM Pacific time (0700Z) on November 5 to 11:59PM (0759Z)
on November 6 (49 hours). Note: Daylight Saving Time ends in the US
during Activity Day weekend.

Suggested frequencies:
80 meters: 3.625, 3.643 or 3.693 MHz
40 meters: 7.177 MHz
20 meters: 14.236 MHz
17 meters: 18.118 MHz
15 meters: 21.313 MHz
12 meters: 24.933 MHz
10 meters: 28.330 or 28.720 MHz

(Note that LSB/DIGL is used below 10MHz as per current convention for
voice modes, USB/DIGU otherwise.)

As this isn't a contest, there's no pressure to make contacts or send
logs, but you can always confirm QSOs via the usual means if you'd like
(LoTW, eQSL, QRZ, etc.) Enabling PSK Reporter in the FreeDV application
and joining the QSO Finder[2] are recommended, however, so others can 
see that you're on the air and hearing them (for instance, here's the
current map of listeners[3]). :D

Feel free to spread this far and wide among your local ham friends and
groups! :) Let me know if you have any questions about the event and
definitely post here if you have issues getting the application working
prior to the event. 


-Mooneer K6AQ

[1] FreeDV:

[2] FreeDV QSO Finder:

[3] PSK Reporter:

Hello Debian Hams...

I'm passing this along for your Just-In-Time HF Digital Voice weekend
fun. I see there is a new version of FreeDV, 1.8.4, and I expect to
update the Debian packages tonight.

But the version you have will hopefully be just fine to participate on
air using the standard default FreeDV modes.

Even I expect to operate some of the time this weekend. :)

Bug reports and patches welcome!

73 de aa4hs

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