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Re: Debian Hams get together @ Debconf

Sounds good, but where is the "Jitsi", somewhere meeting on https://debconf21.debconf.org/ ?

From: Dave Hibberd <d@vehibberd.com>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 1:28 PM
To: debian-hams@lists.debian.org <debian-hams@lists.debian.org>
Subject: Debian Hams get together @ Debconf
Hi friends,

Debconf[1] is coming soon, and it would be nice to catch up with you all & put some names to faces!

Shall we try and carve out half an hour or so to meet on Jitsi, drink some wine/beer/tea/water/etc & talk radios during the week?

I assume we're mostly mixed across EU and US timezones - I'd propose 1900UTC or so towards the end of the week.
Does anyone have any suggestions/preferences?


[1] https://debconf21.debconf.org/

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