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Re: Is there an application that generate random morse and then spells it out, or anything similar?

On 04/04/2021 08:04, Ottavio Caruso wrote:

Is there any such application that does this:

1) fetches a random word from a list, for example, a dictionary list (/usr/share/dict/) or a simple text file;

2) converts the word into morse at the desired speed;

3) converts the text to speech x number of times

4) repeats step 2 and 3 y number of times

5) repeats steps 1-4  z number of times

6) records the whole session onto a .mp3 or .wav file.

And if there is none, can it be done using a script?

1) Finding a plain text word list file is not a problem. I wouldn't know how to randomise entries, tough;

2) morse(1) can do that;

3) ????

4-5) a shell loop could do that

6) ?????

Any input, however brutal, is welcome.

Answering my own question. Somebody has done this already [1] and his software is on Github [2], but any other ideas are welcome.

[1] https://morsecode.ninja/practice/index.html#Download

[2] https://github.com/zoglmannk/Morse-Code-Ninja

Ottavio Caruso

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