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Re: Linpac 0.28 released!

On 2/2/21 12:39 PM, Christoph Berg wrote:

Re: David Ranch
[ Debian package maintainers - please include this version into the upcoming
distribution freeze ]


Christoph DF7CB

Hello all,

Would it be possible to make it installable in Debian 9 distribution? I run Debian 9 on my rather old laptop that I use for technical presentations, and it might be interesting to offer Linpac to my audience too.

To be specific, I would welcome Linpac using Direwolf as a software TNC via internal pipes (instead of relating on sometimes complex ax25 kernel stack.)

Last time I installed Linpac, it was compiled from sources, and I remember some issues like it worked well only under root privileges, or something like that.

Misko YT7MPB

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