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Bug#934446: wsjtx: debian/patches/0001-add-start-script.patch no longer used?

Re: tony mancill 2019-08-11 <[🔎] 20190811040218.GA22032@lark>
> I was poking around the packaging for wsjtx (because I'm thinking about
> trying my hand at some local modifications) and noticed that
> debian/patches/0001-add-start-script.patch creates a script that isn't
> installed as part of the current wsjtx binary package.  This script must
> have been needed for an older version of WSJT-X.
> I believe the patch can be removed from the package.  If I'm mistaken,
> feel free to close this.  

Hi Tony,

thanks for spotting that. There's a lot more cruft in that patches
directory, unfortunately...

If you like, we can also give you commit access to the hamradio group.


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