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Re: Smith Chart Calculator in Debian

Hi All,
14:21 Sat 03 Sep 16  , Iain R. Learmonth wrote:
> I have been looking at the gsmc package in Debian and I believe it to be in
> not so great shape.

Yes, I know, I'm not a coder, when I started to write xsmc and gsmc
just I did need it and other tools did not work for me.

> The code contains implicit declarations of functions,
> which is dangerous as it might hide issues the compiler could otherwise warn
> about or cause bad code. The upstream release also contains a bunch of
> unsafe symlinks.

During august I started a minor revision but I've done a little. The
main effort has been to create e local git rep.

> The author of gsmc (who is in CC as I'd like input from everyone before
> deciding what to do) has also produced an X version of gsmc that is not
> currently packaged.

Yes, xsmc was the first attempt but I think it has no more sense.

> We also have linsmith packaged in Debian, which until today I had not
> realised we had packaged as this is maintained by the Debian Science
> Maintainers. I've added this to the list of changes for my next push of the
> Hamradio blend.

I admit I've never seen linsmith I've just checked it. It has some
more funciotnality respect to gsmc but I can't understand well the
user interface, I've to try it more.

> There's no reason why we can't have gsmc, xsmc and linsmith all in Debian
> together and there's also no reason that we can't have just linsmith
> (removing gsmc and reducing my workload) or just gsmc and linsmith (as it
> currently is).

I think xsmc is truly obsolete.

> What I'd like some input on is what people are currently using, and I'd also
> like to know if the gsmc issues that are reported are going to be fixed
> upstream or if we continue to have gsmc in Debian, would I need to be making
> the fixes for issues effectively becoming the new de facto upstream
> maintainer.

If you want we can collaborate to fix gsmc issue: I think I'm not able
to do it all by myself.

(I've also to change email address, ik5nax@qsl.net still work but this
one is better.)

Many thanks for your effort!

Lapo (ik5nax)

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