TLF-1.2.3 maintenance and bug-fix release
A new TLF maintenance and bug-fix release is available at
It adds some new features and fixes some bugs found
by different people in last months. Thanks to all contributors.
New features:
- Support for the ARRL 160m contest (tnx N0NB)
- Search the MULT_LIST file not only in working direxctory but also
in install directory, e.g. /wusr/local/share/tlf (tnx N0NB)
- Better calculation of working QRG for RTTY qso's according to the
used rig modulations (USB/LSB/FSK) (tnx HA2OS)
- Automatic recognition of ncurses install directories (esp. for
OpenSUSE) (tnx N0NB)
Bug fixes:
- Bandmap gets saved even if bandmap is not displayed every 10s.
- Fix calculation of remaining spot time for saved bandmap data
if tlf is restarted
- Fix update of actual time if auto_cq is running.
- Fixed multi counting for ARRL-SS
- Fixed multi counting for SERIAL&SECTION keyword.
- Old multi counting code did not correctly differentiate between
similar ARRL sections like NE and ONE for DX_&_SECTIONS. Fixed.
- Corrected WYSIWYG multi scoring coming in via LAN.
For a more detailed discussion of the new features please read the
NEWS file and the man page.
As always reports about problems (or success) are welcome.
73 es gd DX, de Tom DL1JBE.
"Do what is needful!"
Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea
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