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FreeDV hits 1.0

Nate Bargmann writes:
 > I have been following the FreeDV list and just this week it was
 > announced that version 1.0 has been released.  Questions have been
 > raised about .deb package availability and one of the developers works
 > on Fedora and has RPM packages available.
 > See http://freedv.org
 > I've not used FreeDV but have been casually following its development
 > and may give it a go this winter, perhaps.  Looks like it would be a
 > good addition to Debian, even Jessie, if possible.

Oh yes. I've been at the gnuradio conference this week and I intend to
do a spin of freedv packages. Since freedv uses a C++ gui, it may have
a longer path to reach testing, but then backports will be available.

I've also got sbuild to set up, and so I also hope to have several
flavors of Ubuntu .debs built and available at files.freedv.org too.

For now, `apt install freedv` in Jessie and the only thing you miss is
the newest mode.

73 de aa4hs,

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