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Re: dump1090 in Debian

Hi Matthew,

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 04:14:40PM -0700, Matthew Ernisse wrote:
> I currently have a package on mentors.d.n that is more or less complete.
> It builds and I have been feeding FlightAware with it for a month or so
> now. I need to pull the latest git version of dump1090 and update it, and
> then would need sponsorship. Any help getting through the sponsorship
> process or just eyes on the package would be greatly appreciated.

Ok. The first step to joining the Hamradio Maintainers Team is to sign up
for an Alioth account if you haven't already got one. You can do this here:


Once you've done that, send me your username and I'll add you to the team.
You can then import your packaging work into our git which makes it easier
for us to help you with the package. Instructions for that are at:


I've taken a brief look at the package and I've got a few comments. Please
feel free to ask if there are any you don't understand.

coaa1090.obj - There is no source code for this file. I see you've added a
lintian override but ftp-master will *not* accept this. You have a few
options here:

 * Try to locate the source, include it in a directory under debian/ and add
   a README.source explaining how that file is built from the source you've
 * If the file isn't necessary for the build, do a DFSG repack of the
   upstream tarball.
 * If the file isn't necessary for the build, contact the upstream author
   and ask them to remove it from their tarball.

privacy-breach-generic - Again, I see you've added lintian overrides here,
but again, ftp-master will *not* accept this. For jquery, you can depend on
the libjs-jquery-ui package and then create symlinks from the CSS and JS
files installed by that package to usr/share/dump1090/public_html/ and then
patch gmap.html. It may be that there's nothing you can do with the Google
Maps JS as that doesn't appear to be open source and you end up contacting
the Google server for map tiles anyway so maybe an override would be
acceptable for that one.

watch file - Have you tried to contact upstream to ask them if they are
willing to tag releases? If they are, brilliant! You can them update the
watch file. If not, delete the watch file. If one is present things will try
to run it and they will throw up errors even if it doesn't contain anything.

Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git - These fields are intended to point to where the
packaging work is being done, so these should be changed to point to the
Debian Hamradio Maintainers git as explained in the DebianHams/Git wiki page
linked above.

Maintainer - For team packages, the maintainer and upload lines should be:

Maintainer: Debian Hamradio Maintainers <debian-hams@lists.debian.org> 
Uploaders: Your Name <your@email>

This allows us to more easily keep track of the packages that are being
looked after within the team.

Standards version - The current standards version is 3.9.6. You can safely
bump this as I don't believe any of the changes made will affect your
package between 3.9.5 and the current version.

Copyright - In the copyright file, you've used GPL-2.0+ which should be
GPL-2 and BSD-2-Clause which should be BSD-2-clause. You can see the
shortcodes that are defined here:


Other than that, the copyright file looks good.

Control file - Is the dependency on dpkg-dev really needed? The priority for
the package should be "optional" not "extra". "extra" is more for things
like debugging symbols for applications than applications themselves. Also
the Maintainer and Vcs things mentioned above.

It does look like you've got the basis of a good package. Once I'm happy
that the package is ready, I will arrange to have a DD sponsor it and get it
uploaded to the archives.

Thanks for your work on this package.


e: irl@fsfe.org            w: iain.learmonth.me
x: irl@jabber.fsfe.org     t: +447875886930
c: MM6MVQ                  g: IO87we
p: 1F72 607C 5FF2 CCD5 3F01 600D 56FF 9EA4 E984 6C49

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