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Re: WebSDR, Iceweasel, HTML5, fldigi - how to tie it all together?

Hello Andy,

how do you feed the audio to fldigi from iceweasel? Do you use software
or hardware loop?

In either case I do not see where the java to html5 change influence the
audio feed.


On Τετ, 2014-08-20 at 17:50 +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> Help, knowledgeable folk :)
> A colleague is having problems with Iceweasel, WebSDR and feeding audio into fldigi.
> This is on behalf of Martin, G5FM, who is also using Debian 7.
> The WebSDR site he's using has just defaulted to not using Java and HTML5 for audio.
> Whereas previously it was relatively straightforward to feed derived audio into fldigi,
> this is now significantly harder as fldigi is more complex and has more options to set
> than the version in Debian 6.
> Ideas, anybody or advice on how best to configure this combination of software to work together
> please.
> Many thanks indeed,
> Andy Cater, G0EVX

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