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RFC: tqsllib to be deprecated

Hi Debian-hams...

Short:  I'll request removal of package 'tqsllib' from Debian unstable
unless I hear any objections.


The TrustedQSL upstream devs recently released a new version of tqsl
(1.14.x), now deployed in Debian testing.

Previous to this new release, the tqsl app (src pkg 'trustedqsl') relied
on a core functionality library supplied by another src pkg: 'tqsllib'
which supplied a proper API in the forms of a versioned .so package and
a -dev package.

The tqsllib API, however, was never directly used by any (known) ham
apps besides tqsl itself -- other apps have all used the tqsl command
line interface instead.  For this reason, the upstream tqsl team has
abandoned maintenance of the separate tqsllib API.  The new tqsl 1.14.x
versions are now bundled with a newer version of tqsllib, which is not
API-compatible with the old tqsllib and is not recommended for use by
other apps.  Upstream now only supports the command line interface, and
agrees that the old library package is no longer useful. 

Since no other known software depends on the old 'tqsllib' library
package, and since upstream now recommends that it no longer be used, I
intend to request that 'tqsllib' be removed from Debian unstable in
about a week, barring any objections.

73 de KA6MAL


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