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Re: fldigi help

* On 2013 31 Oct 10:12 -0500, Henry Wright wrote:
> I am a newbie in fldigi--need advice to download and install.  Where
> should I look?  I'm sure there must be some advice for that and I would
> appreciate your help

Hi Henry.

Which version of Debian are you using?  If you're on Stable, Fldigi will
probably continue to lag behind as I'm not sure if Kamal is offering
back-ports for Stable.  If you're running Testing the Fldigi package
will lag a little behind Dave's upstream releases but not too far.  If
you're running Unstable, you'll find Fldigi is kept quite current with

Fldigi is in the main Debian archive and you should be able to install
it from the usual tools--Aptitude, Synaptic, etc.

73, de Nate >>


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